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I was hungry...
Door: Inner Beauty
Commentaar van de schrijver:
Het rijmt niet, maar vreemd genoeg vind ik het heerlijk om op deze manier te schrijven. Het is voor mijn lieve verloofde. Je bent mijn allesie schat. Dat weet je he?;)
Categorie: Gedichten
Geschatte leestijd: ca. 2 minuten

I was hungry…
And people came to feed me
But I couldn’t eat it
The guilt was to big
But then God surprised me
He brought you in my life
You didn’t only feed me
You made sure that I
Would never grow hungry again

I was thirsty…
And people offered me a drink
But I couldn’t drink it
It was far to bitter
But then God surprised me
He brought you in my life
You didn’t only offer me a drink
You brought me buckets full water
From the river that never goes dry

I was naked…
And people gave me clothes
But I couldn’t wear it
They were way to tight
But then God surprised me
He brought you in my life
You didn’t only gave me clothes
You let me choose the clothes
And then you paid them alle

I was a stranger…
And people invited me in
But I couldn’t enter
Cause I was not like them
But then God surprised me
He brought you in my life
You didn’t only invited me in
You made me feel welcome
And you made me laugh again

I was sick…
And people gave me medicine
But it didn’t work
The illness was much deeper
But then God surprised me
He brought you in my life
You didn’t only gave me medicine
But you also took care of me
And we cried together

I was in prison…
And people came to visit me
But they couldn’t reach me
My heart had hardened
But then God surprised me
He brought you in my life
You didn’t only visit me
But you refused to leave me
And overflowed me with love

Jesus says…
“ For as much as you have done it
To the least of my brethren
You’ve done it unto me”
You gave me more than I asked for
Your friendship and your love
So I know for sure
That when God looks down at you
He can’t refuse a smil
Gepost op 12-11-2006 om 16:55 uur
401 keer gelezen

Alle verhalen van deze schrijver (Inner Beauty)

Erg mooi, alleen het laatste begrijp ik niet. Wat betekend SMIL? Of is dat smile (=glimlach?) Dan kan ik het wel plaatsen... Ik hoop alleen niet dat je meer in je 'lieve verloofde' ziet, dan in jouw God! God werkt door jouw verloofde heen! Prachtig hè?!
Gepost op 14-11-2006 Om 15:33

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